
Use Barcodes as Part of your Mobile Strategy

16 December 2014

Barcodes and Mobile Devices Are Complimentary Now that many people own a smartphone, making it easy for your customers to use their mobile devices to interact with your company, get information and to actually buy products and services is becoming ever more critical to business success. A great tool to help you achieve these business goals […]

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Don’t Fear- Embrace the Power of the Mobile Device

30 November 2014

A Small Business Owner’s Perspective I’m making a career transition. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit. I rarely looked at technology from the point of view of a small business owner. In this day and age where everyone is connected  marketing and customer retention is a whole different ballgame. I guess, I can either stand on […]

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Welcome to the Mobile Content Management Age

28 November 2014

Mobile is The New Office As she is waiting to board her plane at an airport, a company CFO glances at her smartphone and notices two new requests for her approval. She consults her departments’ shared calendar, reviews a few documents, and then confidently grants her approval. She is on-the-go and has all the tools […]

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Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App

27 November 2014

Customers Expectations Of Your Mobile App Are Rising Mobile applications are quickly becoming the primary way that today’s consumers access information. From reading the news, to ordering products and services, or accessing online entertainment, mobile is faster, easier and more effective than traditional media streams. Investing in mobile app services for your business is a […]

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Improve your Business Processes with Mobile Software Development

26 November 2014

Don’t Overlook One of The Most Effective Ways To Boost Your Business As a business owner, you may be wondering if it is worth developing a smartphone app.  If you want to be well adapted to our mobile world while creating increased customer satisfaction, the answer is yes!  Mobile software development can help you to […]

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Patient Care is Improved with Enterprise Mobility

25 November 2014

Healthcare and Other Professionals Using Mobile To Great Effect As the nature of the workplace continues to evolve dramatically, enterprise mobility figures largely into this shift of a new workforce trend. This trend involves people working outside traditional office spaces, and even outside typical nine-to-five workday parameters.  By using applications via mobile devices and accessing […]

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Wearable technology can boost productivity ‘by up to 8.5%’

24 November 2014

The use of wearable technology to track employee wellbeing can significantly increase employees’ productivity, according to research by Goldsmiths, University of London. The study, Human Cloud at Work, was compiled in conjunction with cloud provider Rackspace, suggests data collected from wearable devices can accurately measure the conditions under which employees are most productive. Workplace experiments […]

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CIO’s Have High Need For Mobile Apps

24 November 2014

 CIO Survey Establishes High Need For Enterprise Mobile App Development The number of enterprise-built apps continue to rise (Gartner predicts enterprises will have more than 1,750 mobile apps(1)). The time and money it takes to build them – and a lack of a mobile strategy- are holding companies back from making the most of mobile. […]

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How Barcoding Has Changed the Business World

17 November 2014

Barcode Printers and Scanners Are Now Standardized Tools The barcode is considered by many as one of the most important inventions of the 20th century. The origins of the barcode can be traced back to Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver. Mr. Silver had the idea after overhearing a cashier complaining about the tedium of a manual […]

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Zebra Technologies Warehouse Vision Survey: Five-Year Outlook

6 November 2014

    Shifting Perception of Warehouse Coincides with Increased Supply Chain Investments More than one-quarter (26 percent) of respondents reported that company management views the warehouse and distribution centers as an asset that can drive growth for the business. The most commonly cited reasons for the expansion of storage and distribution networks include a mix […]

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PiiComm De-Risks Government Enterprise Mobility at GTEC 2014

5 November 2014

De-Risking Enterprise Mobility Workshop Shawn Winter, PiiComm’s CMO and chief product evangelist took the stage at GTEC 2014 to share his thoughts on enterprise mobility best practices designed to de-risk enterprise mobility projects.  Despite competing with a major keynote speaker, the session was well-attended. Judging by their attentiveness, audience participants were there to learn more. […]

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Wireless Barcode Scanners: Making Life Easier

4 November 2014

Barcode Technology is Accessible and Affordable for Almost any Organization Technology is advancing at a rate that no one could ever have anticipated. Every minute a new idea becomes a reality. It seems that every other week there’s a new smart phone, tablet or app that can make our lives that much easier. Businesses are […]

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